If you are suffering in your active addiction choosing recovery may seem like and impossible decision to make.  Your addiction will convince you everything is just fine the way it is.  It probably seems like picking up the pieces of your life is just too hard to do. After all, the pieces are scattered all over the place.  I know that's what my addiction had me believing.  I was broke, unemployed and living in my car with not a single friend or family member in sight.  There were so many pieces to pick up and put back together that I just didn't believe I could ever find them all.  Then I thought, "Well even if I do, I'll never get them all to fit together again."  Well here I am, years later, in recovery and advancing minute by minute in my personal development and I've never been happier.  I'm living a fulfilling life, coming closer and closer to finding my life purpose and helping as many people as I can along the way.

Making the decision to choose recovery is the first and most important step in leaving your addiction behind.  Often times its also the hardest one.  Just the thought of having to return to "real life and face the music" is horrifying.  We tend to focus on everything we've screwed up and everyone we've let down.  Instead, you should focus on YOU.  Take in everything about your situation.  The first step to to road of recovery is accepting your current situation.  Once you accept that you're in a bad place, you have to realize that the only person you have to blame is yourself.  No one forced you into your addiction, you chose it.  You have to accept full responsibility for yourself and where you are.  Not 75% or even 99%.  You can't say "Ok yes, I put myself in this situation, but I wouldn't have if .....".  That's not going to work.  Taking responsibility is hard to do, but you won't truly be able to move forward if you're not ready to do it.

You've accepted your situation and taken responsibility for it.  Now take action.  Choose an achievable goal.  Set yourself up to succeed, not to fail.  Maybe you use your drug of choice 10 times a day.  Today use 9 times, tomorrow try 8 and so on.  Find a group to go to, whether its NA, AA or any support group, just go.  Maybe you're showering only 2 times per week, do it 3 times per week then 4 and keep going.  These goals, however small they may seem will help to bring your confidence back and begin to bring you back in touch with yourself.  If you get to a group you'll see that even though you may not have your friends or family right now, there are still people who will listen to you and support you. Setting goals that you're not ready to achieve will only drag you down further when you don't achieve them. 

Now if you're sitting here today completely at rock bottom and you've had enough, by all means jump right onto the path of recovery.  If you feel the power inside of you to just stop right here, right now you CAN!  As you take control of your life back you'll begin to feel a little stronger everyday.  Those small steps will bring you closer and closer to recovery and the fulfilling life you deserve.

So today:  Accept, Take Responsibility and Take Action!  Recovery is only a step away!